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Diagnosis and Management of lower limb tendinopathies

Tendinopathy, the clinical syndrome of pain and dysfunction in a tendon, is a source of concern in recreational and competitive athletes, and its management represents a challenge to clinicians and therapists. Within this 2-day course, we will present current scientific and practical information related to:

1) tendon pathology, pain and functional/movement deficits associated with lower limb tendinopathies;
2) diagnosis and assessment of common lower limb tendinopathies;
3) manual and dry-needling approach to pain management and;
4) rehabilitation strategies for common lower limb tendinopathies based on kinetic chain concept. Focus will be on mastering clinical skills related to diagnosis, functional assessment and management of commonly injured tendons in the lower limbs, including Achilles, patellar, gluteal and hamstring tendons.

Accreditatie KNGF: in aanvraag voor algemeen practicus en sportfysiotherapie 
Deze cursus is geschikt voor (sport)fysiotherapeuten, manueel therapeuten, chiropractoren.



Learning Objectives:


Understand the tendon structure, function, mechanical properties and adaptation
Understand the latest research relating to the pathology, pain and tendinopathy risk factors, and how this knowledge applies to management of tendinopathies
Understand the latest research relating to diagnosis and treatment of common lower limb tendinopathies

Perform accurate and objective diagnosis of common lower limb tendinopathies
Identify and retrain functional and kinetic chain deficits related to common lower limb tendinopathies
Plan and execute comprehensive, evidence based pain management and rehabilitation strategies for common lower limb tendinopathies
Educate patients

Course Schedule:
Day 1:

Tendon structure, function, mechanical properties & adaptation
Tendon pathology & pain
Lower limb tendinopathy epidemiology & risk factors

Diagnosis, assessment and management of Achilles tendinopathy:

  • diagnosis & functional assessment
  • manual therapy & dry needling for pain management
  • planning rehabilitation phases
  • exercise selection & progressions
  • patient education

Day 2:
Diagnosis, assessment and management of Patellar tendinopathy

  • diagnosis & functional assessment manual therapy & dry needling for pain management
  • planning rehabilitation phases
  • exercise selection & progressions
  • patient education

Diagnosis, assessment and management of gluteal tendinopathy:

  • diagnosis & functional assessment
  • manual therapy & dry needling for pain management
  • planning rehabilitation phases
  • exercise selection & progressions
  • patient education

Diagnosis, assessment and management of hamstrings tendinopathy:

  • diagnosis & functional assessment
  • manual therapy & dry needling for pain management
  • planning rehabilitation phases
  • exercise selection & progressions
  • patient education

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